Frequently Asked Questions

Is Wellific private
and secure?

Wellific and your health data are secured in a cloud environment using state of the art security technologies. We follow standard data security principles that include Role Based Access Control (RBAC), the principle of least privilege, security firewalls, audit logging and vulnerability management programs to continuously monitor the security of your data. In both the cloud environment and when you are using the Wellific apps, the data is encrypted in transit and at rest.

Has a 3rd-party reviewed Wellific's privacy and security practices?

Yes.  Wellific was evaluated and received its accreditation from the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC).  Our TDRAAP-Comprehensive accreditation is a 3rd-party verification that Wellific applies industry best practices for security and privacy, that we comply with all federal regulations, and that our application passed all tests to prove its interoperability with major electronic healthcare record (EHR) systems used by most hospitals.

Is Wellific
HIPAA Compliant?

Yes.  The Wellific application and our business processes were evaluated by the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) and are confirmed to be compliant with HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) and all other federal and state regulations

What will you do with my data?

Wellific does not sell your data nor share it with 3rd parties. Wellific staff does not view nor manage your health information. Wellific uses your data to deliver health insights and services to you. This includes detailed healthcare suggestions, offering you discounts on health products and services, and offering you opportunities to participate in clinical research.

Is Wellific available for children?

Wellific is currently for adults, age 18 and over.  If you have a child under 18, you may add them as a dependent under an adult profile. 

Can family and friends join?

Yes!  You may invite your family, friends or caregivers to access your Wellific account. 

If they are your emergency contact, be sure to share your important medical information with them.  If you are their caregiver, ask them to give you access to their health profile too.

Contact Us

We love to hear from anyone interested in joining, participating and partnering with us. Ask us anything and we will reply you back!